Spring is definitely the best season! Everything seems fresh and new following the dark and frozen winter. After all of the winter holidays there comes a lull in parties and gifting, but along with the refresh in nature, spring also brings the opportunity to revive our social lives! In preparation of inviting guests over for Easter, Passover, Cinco de Mayo, or just picnic party fun, here is a Top Five list of Spring Gift and Entertaining Ideas.
1. Color Blocked Food Dome (sugarandcloth.com)

This idea from sugarandcloth.com is a stylish way to protect food during picnics and parties. I love how she used spring pastels, but you could totally use colors to match existing backyard decor or even old paint you have in your stash.
2. Recycled Glass Bottle Flower Display (apartmenttherapy.com)

Our local recycler just stopped taking glass. Boo! It has revived my initiative to use up more and more recyclables in our own home so we can lessen our impact on the earth. I love the idea of saving up a smattering of glass bottles and putting them to work in the garden as display vases for whatever may be blooming. On their own the glass bottles may basic, but as a collection, they bring a lot of impact to your decor with zero waste or dollars.
3. Faux Grass Table Runner (karaspartyideas.com)

Small galvanized pails, soft pastel blooms and a collection of milk glass all set atop a faux grass table runner is the perfect look for a spring party or Easter celebration. I love that all of the items are repurposable throughout the year, but grouped together totally bring the spring vibes.
4. Easter Bunny Pots (southerninlaw.com)

These super cute bunny pots bridge the both party and gift category. They could be made first as the centerpiece, then offered to guests to take home at the end of the party. Terracotta pots are relatively easy to reuse as well, making this a gift to be enjoyed now and later.
5. Baked Goods Gift and DIY Box (momtastic.com)

Nothing compares to homemade, especially when it comes to candies and baked goods. I love this clever baked goods gift box made from recycled egg cartons. The cartons are painted with soft pastels and decorated with faux flowers for spring, but you could do so many iterations of this the idea is truly limitless!
I hope you enjoyed this quick list of five ideas to get your spring party season kicked off! Thanks so much for reading and don’t forget to pop over to the La Rue de Fleurs Etsy shop to shop my full collection of handmade gifts and home goods for Spring.

Inspiration and resources are linked where applicable. All written work and photographs are original content and are copyright protected; kindly give due credit by linking back to my website if you use or share.
(©2022, Janice Bailor // laruedefleurs.com)