PCCA Drop-In Art

Drop-In Art Goes Virtual

Since 2016 I have worked with my local arts council, Perry County Council of the Arts to create and host a monthly kid and family-friendly arts and crafts class called Drop-In Art. Each month we work around a loose theme making simple and fun projects that explore arts and crafts techniques. The program focuses on using recyclable household items and basic craft supplies to complete the projects. I have really enjoyed working with PCCA and their grant partners to continually produce a great experience for the children and families of our local area. Working with children to explore their creativity and the arts has become a great passion of mine, leading to continued opportunities such as artist residencies which will allow me to connect and create with more children in the future.

Like most other activities at this time, we obviously had to physically close our doors, but the arts always find a way, and I am pleased to say PCCA is working with me to bring Drop-In Art online in video format so we can continue to create together! I have linked my first project video below, but for a complete list of projects and videos, please visit the following links.:

Perry County Council of the Arts: http://www.perrycountyarts.org/

PCCA Drop-In Art Program: http://www.perrycountyarts.org/drop-in-art/

PCCA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/perrycountyarts/

La Rue de Fleurs YouTube Drop-In Art Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWj051xJhTK7sV89JZ9yawg/playlists

I look forward to my partnership with the fabulous ladies at PCCA for a long time to come. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to continue to “build community through the arts” with all of my Drop-In buddies online. Keep an eye out for more videos soon and stay creative friends!

Inspiration and resources are linked where applicable. All written work and photographs are original content and are copyright protected; kindly give due credit by linking back to my website or source website if you use or share.

(©2020, Janice Bailor // laruedefleurs.com)