This week, I want to showcase the appliqué details from my latest pattern, the Anniken Pillow! Last week, I walked you through how to create the quilted triangle background. If you missed that post, catch up HERE. There is also a La Rue de Fleurs’ Channel YouTube video walking you through the pattern’s triangle background. You can watch that via a link in the aforementioned blog post, or HERE on YouTube.
This week, I am taking you beyond the background to the creative leaf appliqué! Let’s talk about the types of fabrics you should choose for creating your leaves, as well as ways to finish the edges.
The templates for each of the leaves is included in the pattern, along with a flower shape I will not be using in this example. You can easily print and cut the paper template printables once you receive the instant PDF download. After we cut everything out, sew along with me as we create the cute autumn leaves. I will share how to stitch the appliqué so the leaves even appear to have veining details!
If you’d like to read more about the pattern, including design inspiration, follow the link HERE to my previous post about the Anniken Pillow.

Concept Breakdown
The Anniken Pillow is a great way to get your bearings in learning to quilt more than basic squares and rectangles. The small scale, the pillow finishes at approximately 20″ square, means you won’t be overwhelmed practicing a new concept. Everyone loves a quick win!
In this week’s video, I share a few tips on creating two kinds of appliqué. These tips include:
- tracing and cutting the templates
- different backing materials for different finishes
- simple turned edge appliqué technique
- simple machine stitching for true “leaf” details!
To view the video and see all of the tips, click the video box below.:
Quilt With Me!: The Anniken Pillow Leaf Appliqué
Grab the Annkien Pillow Pattern for just $5 USD HERE. Then pop on the video for a few finishing suggestions before you cut and piece your templates. After you’ve made your design choices based on those tips, join me to machine stitch the appliqué with fun details that are simple to create!
In upcoming videos, we will work together as we talk about quilted details for the pillow top, and finally assemble and finish the pillow for stuffing and use.
If you join in with the video or create the Anniken Pillow on your own, don’t forget to share your work with the La Rue de Fleurs community by tagging me on IG @laruedefleurs and using the hashtags #annikenpillow and #laruedefleurspatterns. I hope you’ll join me and have some fun with triangles and appliqué!
Stay creative, friends!
Inspiration and resources are linked where applicable. All written work and photographs are original content and are copyright protected; kindly give due credit by linking back to my website if you use or share.
(©2022, Janice Bailor //