Mid-June I began a Chippewa Scrap Quilt using the pattern by Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew. Unfortunately, I haven’t made as mush progress as I had hoped. The plan was to have it finished for family to take along on our lake vacation, but it will not be completed in time.

Seriously, I am not sure why I thought I’d be able to make this quilt in such a short window knowing that I have significantly less time to sew during the summer. Instead of like five or six hours a day in my studio during the school year, I maybe get one or two. And sometimes those times are interrupted with things I must see and conflicts I must attend to. Mom life, right?

My Chippewa Scrap Quilt on June 27th. More pieces, not a lot more sewing.
We’ve also been doing a lot of home projects which require my attention along with daily life tasks. We are finishing up our dining room remodel which involved a whole lot of painting on my part. New concrete patios around our house will also be arriving in July and there has been a ton of deconstruction of old patios and such in preparation for the new.

Also, along with all of the projects, summer is and should be about all of the extra fun time we get to have as a family. None of it is an excuse or unwanted, it’s just why I am moving so slow in my studio right now. Also, I am feeling some burn out with my quilt work. I am feeling less inspired to be down in the studio lately. I am seriously contemplating big changes for my art this fall when I have more time to hash things out. More time to work on big ideas. Right now, I am just in the in-between thinking about it stage. I am in the slow summer stage and I am determined to enjoy it.
I have an idea of what is next, but I’m never really sure. I will finish the Chippewa quilt before I start anything else, mostly because it takes up my entire floor where I lay projects out! Rest assured I will share it when I’m done.

As for this fall, well, I will share more once I’ve had a bit longer to ruminate on it. For now, just know I plan to do some pretty fun things to reduce some of my older work to make way for what I hope will be an abundance of new. If you don’t follow my Instagram, now might be a good time to start. I’m @larudefleurs. I am most active there, so if you are interested in the latest from me, that is the best place to connect. I also have Facebook if you’re more into that. Thanks again for reading these last few months! I would be honored if you recommended my website and work to others you think may be interested. xoxo, Janice
Inspiration and resources are linked where applicable. All written work and photographs are original content and are copyright protected; kindly give due credit by linking back to my website if you use or share.
(©2019, Janice Bailor // laruedefleurs.com)