Will 2022 actually be the year I make a dent in my WIP list and bins? I don’t know, but so far I am off to a great start! I just completed another work in progress, a pillow cover using the final blocks I created when testing my Shattered Squares Quilt Pattern. (Grab the pattern here.) The final four quilt blocks were made at the same time as one of the samples I created to test the pattern in the baby quilt size. The Modern Squares Succulent baby quilt (available here) used several solid colors and a few simple dots pulled directly from the colors in the succulent print background. The combination makes the shattered squares pop against the lively background. I think this quilt would be so cute as the jumping-off point for a little girl’s nursery.

When I originally wrote the pattern in 2020, I truly loved seeing how each tester used the pattern to create their own interpretation. The lovely thing about quilt patterns is how you can make them over and over again with a different result just by the choice of fabric. Which colors you choose to make the focal point of the blocks really changes the look. Check out the original post about the Shattered Squares Quilt Pattern from 2020 to see what I mean.
Anyhow, after I created my samples and released the pattern, I set aside the remaining four blocks I created for the baby quilt version. Then they languished in my WIP box for- ugh- two years. Well, I finally pulled them out and threw them together to make a pillow cover that perfectly matches the baby quilt. Again, this would be an excellent gift for an expectant mother, since it is basically a whole nursery scheme in just tow items. Add a cute side table in a fun accent color from the quilt, as I did here, and you are ready to go. I suppose to keep it especially on them you might want to use a succulent in a planter, but I went with the faux fig I already had on the table because I’m lazy and it’s still cute.

To create the pillow details, I chose a few ombré embroidery threads from my large bin. Since the blocks I had left to work with were only the gold/ gray and mint combinations, I chose an ombré gold and green floss. They don’t match exactly because that would have required preplanning and possibly a trip to the store which I wasn’t going to do, but they coordinate well enough. I tried to keep the lighter variations of the thread in both of the dot fabrics for the mint and the gray. I used the darker ends of the thread when I got to the solid gold and mint triangles. I also used the thread in the center white diamond to anchor the cover at the core.

The stitches were created with just a basic running stitch going up and down through the top blocks, batting and backing. I love the chunky texture and extra interest the embroidery floss provides to the design! It is truly amazing to me what a difference those sweet details can really add to your patchwork. If I had more patience, and thought people might want to actually pay for the time it takes to do the hand stitching, I would add it to more quilts.

Once I completed the hand stitching, I simply trimmed the top square and added an envelope back using two pieces of hemmed white muslin. I like to reinforce the interior of my pillow covers with a row of zigzag stitching around the edges before I turn and press.

Overall I am extremely happy with the way the Plant Lady Pillow cover came out. The effort to finish is sometimes just in realizing how close you could be to another completed project. I love that the pillow could be beautiful on its own, or perfect paired with the baby quilt for the best new mama gift ever!

Both the Succulent Modern Squares baby Quilt (link to purchase) and Plant Lady Pillow cover (link to purchase) are available in the La Rue de Fleurs Etsy shop (link to shop). The Shattered Squares Quilt Pattern is also available and features a size range from the pillow to twin sizes (link to purchase).
Thank you so much for reading about the Plant Lady Pillow Cover. I hope you are getting a lot of stitching done this winter and maybe even tackling some of your own UFOs. I also made a short video of the pillow cover so you can see it in action. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for supporting my micro-business and handmade in America! Stay creative friends! Janice
Inspiration and resources are linked where applicable. All written work and photographs are original content and are copyright protected; kindly give due credit by linking back to my website if you use or share.
(©2022, Janice Bailor // laruedefleurs.com)